Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions About Polygraph Examinations

Polygraph Frequently Asked Questions

We hope you will find the information to be of interest, and we will be pleased to supply you with additional information you may need.

Yes, anyone can request a polygraph test dealing with almost any subject imaginable. Generally, the age limit is about 12 years old. However, age is not as important as the maturity of the individual and his or her understanding of the subject matter. This would be decided on a case by case basis. Some health problems could be an issue but again this would be decided as a case by case issue.

Polygraph examinations by L. S. Fulmer are a combination of skill and science. The science comes with the most advanced technology in today’s computerized polygraph systems. The polygraph instrument does exactly as intended and does not make mistakes. Mr. Fulmer is a qualified Expert Examiner with over 40 years of licensed polygraph testing experience. The expert experience that Mr. Fulmer has obtained is far greater than the average polygraph examiner.

NEVER hire an examiner with less than five years of licensed polygraph testing experience. This is where errors occur in the polygraph industry due to inexperience. With the design of the polygraph tests along with proper language, question construction, and expert evaluations that Mr. Fulmer brings, you may rest assured of the most accurate examination possible. The Department of Defense has recently shown research that shows professionally administered polygraph tests to be 98 percent accurate.

Please Visit About L. Stan Fulmer and Fulmer Polygraph Testing Advantages to receive more information about the experience and professionalism of L.S. Fulmer Inc.

Cost would depend on the type of test given. There is no one cost for all polygraph tests. There are many types of tests that are constructed to suit different situations such as.

NEVER hire an examiner with less than five years of licensed polygraph testing experience. This is where errors occur in the polygraph industry due to inexperience. With the design of the polygraph tests along with proper language, question construction, and expert evaluations that Mr. Fulmer brings, you may rest assured of the most accurate examination possible. The Department of Defense has recently shown research that shows professionally administered polygraph tests to be 98 percent accurate.

Pre-Employment Examinations – Used for businesses, depending on the type of business there may be different sets of questions to suit the business and different questions to suit the position

Family Conflicts, Domestic, or Personal Examinations – All of these types of tests are very specifically constructed to the specific needs of the person requesting the test. These tests may be constructed in a variety of ways with various amounts of questions. Mr. Fulmer would spend considerable time in developing and constructing this type of test, however, a quote can be given quickly over the phone

Attorney Pre-Trial – All of these exams are constructed to potentially be used in criminal trials and hearings. These tests are designed to meet all of the state standards to hold up under scrutiny during a trial. Mr. Fulmer has been given Expert Testimony Qualification many times in various states

Business Loss – All of these tests are designed to meet all of the regulations instituted by the Employment Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA). The federal government has regulated polygraph testing for employers giving testing to their employees. These tests are designed to find out if an employee has been involved in a specific action causing a business loss or injury to a company

Law Enforcement and Military – Generally Law Enforcement and Military examinations will fall under one of the above categories.

All testing is done by appointment only. Due to only accepting one or two clients per day, any test cancellations of less than 48 hour business days prior to the appointment time, are subject to the full charge.

Yes, all tests and consultations are confidential. The examiner will sign a form keeping all information confidential and / or under attorney client privilege. The examiner will only provide written and /or verbal results when instructed to do so by the client.
Yes, the examiner will give a verbal report at the time of the test. A written report will be mailed with the relevant test questions asked, the examinee’s answer to the questions and the examiner’s opinion. This can be done quickly, especially in emergency situations.
Mr. Fulmer has conducted polygraph examinations within the past year in over nine states and 50 different cities. It would be impossible to provide offices in all possible locations. Most tests are conducted at the business location for business tests, the attorney’s office for Pre-Trial test and the Police Department or Sheriff’s Office for Law Enforcement. For Family and Personal Issues, we will gladly come to your home, office or any location of your choice. In other words we will travel to you for your convenience.

No, most everyone (guilty and innocent) taking a test may be nervous throughout a polygraph examination. However, we do all that is possible to put each person at ease prior to administering the test. Nervousness is constant and consistent from the beginning, middle, and end of the testing period. The reactions of a guilty subject are quite different to specific questions than those of an innocent subject. An Expert Polygraph Examiner such as Stan Fulmer can easily distinguish the difference in nervousness and the deceptive reaction of the guilty.

Ready to Schedule Your Polygraph Exam?

Hire the dependable professionals at L.S. Fulmer Inc. for clear, credible polygraph results.
We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Call 1-800-799-6016 now!